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din raw anul 2010divele din raw anul 2011   divele din smack down anul 2011divele in culise inainte de meciuridivele nemachiatedivele wwe comparatie cu divele de la pussycat dollsdivele wwe impreunadivele wwe in copilariedivele wwe la coafat si machiatdivele wwe la Hall Of Fame 2011dormitorul lui kelly kellyDrama pentru Candice Michelle - a pierdut al doilea copil al sauedge s-a retras din wrestling cu lacrimi in ochiedge speareve torreseve torres Photo Shootseve torres Back in Blackeve torres bad in blackeve torres cu iubitul ei pe plajaeve torres deliciouseve torres diva focuseve torres eleganteve torres Exquisite Photoshooteve torres Going Somewhereeve torres lovely legseve torres March Madnesseve torres on the spoteve torres pentru a doua oara diva campioana la royal rumble 2011   eve cu lacrimi in ochi de fericire   eve torres divas champion   eve torres vs layla   in wrestling se urasc in realitate sunt prietene   royal rumble edge vs zigglereve torres ready for combat 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filmarile unei emisiuniMaria markesephotographymaria micutamaria pupiiiciMaria rich markese photographymaria very very hotmarysemaryse Gorgeous in Graymaryse 3 may 2010 attack eve torresmaryse a peekMaryse A Walk In The ParkMaryse and Jillian vs Kelly Kelly and Mickie james 2009 may 11thmaryse bad in blackmaryse beach babemaryse blazin bluemaryse blonde beauty   maryse ravishing in redmaryse cand era micutamaryse carpe diemmaryse city of angelsMaryse CONCEDIATAmaryse costum de baie SEXY Pink Sequins Bikini de cumparat   maryse rochie Black White Red Carpet de cumparat      maryse rochie black turtleneck stud de cumparat   maryse rochie Pink Satin de cumparatmaryse costumatii ringmaryse cu gemenele bellamaryse cu melina inceput anul 2011 cu o impacaremaryse cu parul blond sau brunetmaryse cu sora ei geamanamaryse diva focusmaryse divas championmaryse entranceMaryse Femme FataleMaryse Food Truck Photoshootmaryse french beautymaryse goldenmaryse halloweenMaryse halloween 2011maryse Heart Breakermaryse hot costum de baiemaryse ice princessmaryse in japoniamaryse in mexico citymaryse in real lifemaryse in the machmaryse layla si michelle mccool vs eve torres si bella twinsmaryse lightmaryse lip gloss kissmaryse majestic in metallicmaryse mesmerzingmaryse monilightmaryse Nimes franceMaryse Nu m-as plimba in fata fanilor in lenjerie intimaMaryse Olympic Divamaryse photoshootMaryse PiercingMaryse Puppy Powermaryse red all overMaryse Refelctionsmaryse rochia de la hall of fame 2010maryse rochitemaryse san diegomaryse sexy girlmaryse Sheffield England Signing 2010maryse si LeAnn Rimes cu costum de baie la felmaryse strike a posemaryse stunningmaryse stunning simplymaryse summer skin 1maryse summer skin 2maryse summer skin 3maryse summer skin 4maryse summer skin 5maryse summer skin 6maryse sydney australia 2009maryse take a seatmaryse take seatmaryse Talk to the handmaryse tanara fotomodelmaryse true bluemaryse twittermaryse vacanta iunie 2011MARYSE VERY HOTmaryse vs eve torres 21 martie 2011maryse vs gail kim 17 aprilie 2009maryse vs gail kim 24 aprilie 2009maryse vs kelly kelly 2 may 2011 sharma attacksmaryse vs kelly kelly 8 iunie 2009maryse vs mariamaryse vs maria 19 decembrie 2008maryse vs michelle mccool 26 decembrie 2008maryse Walking In A Winter Water Landmaryse white hotmaryse white sexymaryse woowmaryse worth a millionmaryse worth the waitmaryse wrestling inainte sa devina celebramaryse wrestling the sandmelinamelina ador flexibilitatea eimelina conferinta de presamelina cu faniimelina cu john morrisonmelina diva focusmelina divas do new yorkmelina facand sfoaraentrance   melina spagatmelina fotomodelmelina leoaicamelina moonlightmelina nemachiata   maryse nemachiatamelina perezmelina personal photos 1melina personal photos 2melina personal photos 3melina personal photos 4melina royal bluemelina sedinta fotomelina snapmelina spanish rosemelina stunningmelina summer skin 1melina summer skin 2melina tanaramelina vs jillianmelina with the bella twins cinco de maymelina women championmichelle mccoolmichelle mccool in copilariemichelle mccool lady gaga si layla beyoncemikie jamesmiss usa 2010 rima fakih vrea sa devina diva wwemmmmmmm hot   alt hotttt iubireeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeea meaNatalya Neidhart diva focusnight of champions 2009 melina vs michelle mccoolnikki bellanoua iubita al lui carlitonoul meu cont sunphoto BeSexyLavynu te vom uita umaga   mormantul lui eddie gurrero      momente de reculege in memoria lui eddie gurreroo divele wwe in romaniaoare se potrivescofff rima eliminata la Tough Enoughparticipantii WWE Tough Enough   Ariane Andrew ELIMINATA 4 aprilie 2011   juriul wwe tough enough   Matt Capiccioni ELIMINAT 11 APRILIE 2011   Michelle Deighton s-a retras din cauza unor probleme in familie   Mickael Zacki ELIMINATpentru cei care urasc wrestlingulpozele mele preferate cu eve torres   pozele mele preferate cu maryseprin culise sau arena inainte de meciurirandy ortonrandy orton RKOrandy orton WWE Film That is What I Am 2011revenirea lui trish stratus la Elimination Chamber   elimination chamber Randy Orton John Morrison R-Truth King Sheamus and CM Punk   elimination chamber Edge Big Show Rey Mysterio Kane Wade Barrett and Drew McIntyrerey mysteriorey mysterio 619rey mysterio mastirochiile divelor de la hall of famerosa mendesrosa mendes caliente beautyrosa mendes fitness allurerosa mendes in viata realarosa mendes wall beautyrosa mendes white lightsantinA marellasantino marellasaraaaaaaaaaaaaaacul justinsix divas tham machstilul de costumatii de ring a divelorstratusphereyogasuperstarurile wwe inainte sa devina celebrithe bella twins divas championthe bella twins in viata realathe miz tanartrish stratustrish stratus beautiful greentrish stratus beautiful pinktrish stratus women championundertakerundertaker cu michelle mccooluuupsvelvet sky in viata realavisele pot deveni realitatewomens champion

membru din 26 aprilie 2010

participantii WWE Tough Enough

An assistant pet groomer in Chicago, Illinois, the 22-year-old has spent the last six years on the independent circuit and is well known in her native Puerto Rico.
Trivia: Ivelisse started wrestling at age fifteen in Puerto Rico and was a featured star, almost immediately, on TV for many years as part of the WWC. She also wrestled for Savio Vega's IWA. She now wrestles on the indie scene in Chicago. She believes in hard-working, strong female wrestlers and not in trying to get a promoter's attention by showing off your boobs. Check out some of her matches online as Juliet the Huntress.

Ariane Andrew
The 23-year-old Ariane is the quintessential Valley Girl. What Ariane lacks in wrestling experience she makes up for with bubbly charm. Ariane hopes to become a WWE Diva so she can display her alter-ego, a hard-edged girl that doesn't give a crap.
Trivia: Ariane holds a BA in Business Marketing and a BS in Psychology from California State University, Northridge. She was the MVP of her high school track team and currently works as a Behavior Therapist working with Autistic Children.

Rima Fakih
Rima is Miss USA 2010. The 25-year-old hails from Dearborn, Michigan where she received a BA in Economics and BA in Business Management from University of Michigan. Rima hopes to win "WWE Tough Enough" to prove that it is possible to be both beautiful and tough.
Trivia: Rima would rather be bodyslammed every day by trainer Bill DeMott than go back to a life of pageant clothes and waving

Michelle Deighton
This 25-year-old day care teacher from Terre Haute, Indiana, hopes to become a WWE Diva to fulfill a dream she has had since the age of 14. She loves the road lifestyle, living out of a suitcase and traveling. She has trained on and off in independent wrestling over the past 11 years.
Trivia: Michelle was a contestant on America's Next Top Model (Cycle 4) and is now married to the infamous Johnny Fairplay. Together they have a daughter. In fact: search "Fairplay Michelle Helms" on YouTube and you can watch a video of Michelle giving Fairplay and Shane Helms knife-edge chops in a kitchen.

Christina Crawford
Christina, 22, is a senior at the University of Central Florida studying Interpersonal Communications. She is a member of her college dance team.
Trivia: Christina's sister is WWE Diva, and former Diva Champ, Alicia Fox. When she first started training she felt a ton of pressure because she wanted to be at Alicia's level. But now, as much as she loves her sister, she doesn't think about her when she's in the ring.

Luke Robinson
Luke, 26, is a Personal Trainer from Auburn, Maine with five years of independent circuit experience. For him, WWE combines all his passions rolled into one: performing, marketing, athleticism and traveling. Luke proved his athleticism as captain of his high school's varsity soccer, hockey and baseball teams, competing all four years, before moving on to getting his BA in Business Administration from University of Southern Maine
Trivia: Luke used to hate wrestling until he was fifteen. He was the one who used to make fun of other kids for liking it. But he fell in love with it when he saw the Rock vs. Mankind storyline. Luke, growing up on a farm, related to being an outcast.

Mickael Zacki
Mickael, 26, is an unemployed WWE hopeful hailing from Jersey City, NJ. He has lived the 9 to 5 lifestyle and hated every second of it. For him, being a WWE Superstar would allow him to escape this fate.
Trivia: Mickael, who wrestled in high school, is also a Tae Kwon Do first degree black belt. He holds a degree in Criminal Justice and currently resides in Tampa, Florida with his wife of five years, Jamie.

Andy Leavine
This 6'5giant hails from Brooksville, Florida where he had four years of high school varsity wrestling experience with a record of over 90 wins. The 23-year-old former football player has a mere six months of independent wrestling experience. Starting over 40 games as an offensive lineman for Florida International University, Andy holds the school's power clean record of 365 lbs. After FIU, he was a priority free agent with the Miami Dolphins and attended mini-camps, before hanging up his cleats to pursue his dream to entertain in the ring.
Trivia: Andy's cousin is wrestling legend "Dangerous" Danny Spivey, one half of the WCW Skyscrapers, with Sid Vicious and "Mean" Mark Callous (The Undertaker). Andy looked up to him as a kid and aspired to follow in his footsteps.

A.J. Kirsch
A.J., 27, has been wrestling on the independent circuit for five years. Among his achievements is a one and a half year undefeated All Pro Wrestling Tag Team Championship in addition to a tag team victory over the infamous New Age Outlaws.
Trivia: A.J., who's wrestled all up and down the West Coast on the indie scene, fell in love with wrestling at age 12 when he watched Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart at WrestleMania XII.

Jeremiah Riggs
This 28-year-old truck driver from Vicksburg, Mississippi is a natural athlete who prides himself on taking on new challenges. He was a US Army Ranger with the 1st Battalion and did a tour in Afghanistan in 2004. He has six years of training as an MMA Fighter with a record of seven wins and five losses, fighting with UFC, Strikeforce and Bellator.
Trivia: Jeremiah got his initial wrestling training from Dutch Mantel. He's also no stranger to reality television, having been a cast member of VH1's 2009 Daisy of Love, the reality television dating show starring Daisy de la Hoya, the runner-up of the VH1 reality dating show Rock of Love 2.

Matt Capiccioni
Matt, 30, is an independent wrestler with nine years of independent circuit experience from Brecksville, Ohio. He has wrestled in sixteen countries and hopes to win "WWE Tough Enough" and a WWE contract so he "can have a fun job." "You can see the world in spandex and smash things," he explains.
Trivia: Capiccioni wrestled under the name M-Dogg 20 for XPW, CZW and ROH, where he worked with the likes of Christopher Daniels, Delirious and Austin Aries. Last year, he appeared on an episode of WWE Superstars, as Matt Cross, in a tag match against The Gate Crashers. Capiccioni was pinned by Vance Archer.

Martin Casaus
Martin, 26, is a stockbroker and independent wrestler hailing from West Jordan, Utah. He gained his experience wresting for six and a half years on the independent circuit. He is also co-owner of Ultra Championship Wrestling Zero, a promotion and wrestling school.
Trivia: Martin has wrestled all over the U.S. for such promotions as Asylum, Ultra Championship Wrestling, Dungeon Championship Wrestling, Adrenaline Unleashed and NWA.

Ryan Howe
This 23-year-old aspiring musician and independent wrestler hails from Hebron, Indiana. He has two years of wrestling experience and hopes to win "WWE Tough Enough" and a WWE contract to make everyone who ever believed in him proud, especially his family, his trainer, Tracy Smothers (WCW, ECW), and his girlfriend, Tiffany.
Trivia: Ryan Howe is known as The Rockin' Rebel Diamond Steel and in Kentucky's UWA and loves all things "outdoors."

Eric Watts
Eric, 25, hopes to become a WWE Superstar to fulfill his childhood dream. "WWE needs my afro and my tall, dark and handsome good looks," says the 6'5 behemoth. Eric hails from Pasadena, California where he spent two years on his High School varsity football team as left tackle, earning All-League Honors. Eric was recruited by colleges for football, but opted not to attend so he could pursue his dream. (note: not to be confused with wrestler Erik Watts, son of WWE Hall of Famer Bill Watts).
Trivia: Those of you out there who watch NWA Hollywood on KDOC in Los Angeles have seen Eric wrestled under the name "Big Nasty" Jason Watts. Watts idolized The Undertaker growing up and his ability to move like a cruiserweight while still being a big man in the sport.
Ivelisse Velez
Ivelisse Velez
Ariane Andrew
Ariane Andrew
Rima Fakih
Rima Fakih
Michelle Deighton
Michelle Deighton
Christina Crawford
Christina Crawford
Luke Robinson
Luke Robinson
Mickael Zacki
Mickael Zacki
Andy Leavine
Andy Leavine
A.J. Kirsch
A.J. Kirsch
Jeremiah Riggs
Jeremiah Riggs
Matt Capiccioni
Matt Capiccioni
Martin Casaus
Martin Casaus

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